Sunday, March 27, 2011

Flamenco and art

The flamenco performance was amazing. The singer had some lungs on her, and sang with such passion. I absolutely loved her dress, it was stunning. I had expected more of a dance, but I was informed that in different parts of Spain flamenco is different. But overall, the performance is something I will never forget. We then had a flamenco dance lesson on Friday morning, which I didn't know what to expect. I have two left feet, and the last thing I need is to attempt dancing with them. But, as soon as I got up to get our first lesson, I just went with it. I know I probably looked ridiculous, but I had fun. The instructors had given us a small performance, and the music, the dance, and costumes were absolutely stunning.

     My weekend ended with taking the bus to Toledo, and Madrid. On Saturday, I went to Toledo. The city was stunning. I was amazed how the city in one point in history had Arabs, Jews, and Christians living in the same city. Its shocking that these two different groups of people were able to live in the same city, which is something we can learn from. On Sunday I went to Madrid to the Prado Museum and Sofia Museum. I was excited to see Picasso's Guernica, and see Goya's painting The Third of May, and Saturn Devouring His Son. I was completely speechless when I saw these paintings. There is just so much art in beauty in Europe, that I have to pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming, or its all real. 

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