Sunday, April 3, 2011

Aprils Fools Day

The week was filled with interesting adventures. Since school is almost coming to an end, there are tons of text, and papers to be done. It seems the end of school means alot of brain work. This week I  had a test for art, and it was a real challenge, considering it was my first time studying Renaissance art. Some how I made it through, and was able to come to Venice for the weekend. This was my first time traveling by myself, so I did not know what to expect. I traveled light, but then I realized I should of brought a bigger bag, because now I cant fit nothing else in, so no souveniers, sorry guys.

So, as soon as I landed in Marco Polo, I was on my own. Trying to figure out how to get hear was a challenge. So I asked the information booth on what bus to take to get to the water taxis, ans she politely told me the blue bus. So I was like "OK, the blue bus", how hard can that be. Well, the blue bus, there were alot of blue busses, but somehow I figured it out. Then when I got to the last stop, which was the water taxis, I was ready to get to relax and enjoy the weekend, but I couldnt, not just yet because April 1, 2011 was the strike for the water taxis, so they were only operating for certain hours, and certain stops. So, I asked the ticket booth, and she pointed me in the direction I needed to go. As soon as I got to my stop, I had to walk 20minutes, and with no map, and by some miracle I got to my hostel, which was a joke. First time traveling by myself, the hostel was nothing it said it was when I booked it. I was expecting two other bunk beds, for two other females, lockers to stash our stuff, and wifi, nothing of that was there. I had my own room, with no lock, just a sliding door, and no locks. He said it was safe, well of course he is going to say that, plus he said his room was next door. No thank you, so I booked a room that had a lock, but all in all it all worked out. I had no set agenda, no set sights to see, just enjoy the weekend in Venice, and eat some gelato.

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