Sunday, April 24, 2011

The last weekend in Salamanca has finally arrived, as well as Easter. The week was hectic with trying to get papers done. But I did it, and got to enjoy Easter Sunday in Salamanca, the perfect way to end the trip. By Wednesday evening I had to hurry to up and by groceries for the weekend, and by groceries I mean vino. After doing my grocery shopping, I headed towards the bar to catch the Barcelona vs. Madrid futbol match. The game was brutal, intense, and nerve wrecking. Barcelona lost 0-1, after going into penalty. But in all the sports events I have seen, this is the only time that I can honestly say they lost with great dignity. I then looked forward to enjoying the Processions in Salamanca, and observing the way they celebrate Holly Week.
            I was able to see several Processions, which were all spectacular. I saw one by the Roman Bridge, which didn’t make it across because of the rain. The following morning, I woke up and saw a Procession, which were beautiful. They had one of Christ carrying the cross, Christ on the cross, and Virgin Mary wearing a beautiful green dress. She was absolutely stunning. Since it was 5am, I followed them towards the Plaza Mayor, and on my way, they stopped in front of these nuns, and they threw flowers, and sang to the Virgin Mary. The following day, I got to see one at midnight, which was the Virgin we got to see at the new Cathederal during the Life and Culture class. This morning I  went to the Plaza Mayor to see Christ and Mary reunited. The Processions have been amazing, which was nice to spend Easter in such a beautiful city, and in away that I don’t celebrate Easter back at home.

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