Sunday, April 24, 2011

The last weekend in Salamanca has finally arrived, as well as Easter. The week was hectic with trying to get papers done. But I did it, and got to enjoy Easter Sunday in Salamanca, the perfect way to end the trip. By Wednesday evening I had to hurry to up and by groceries for the weekend, and by groceries I mean vino. After doing my grocery shopping, I headed towards the bar to catch the Barcelona vs. Madrid futbol match. The game was brutal, intense, and nerve wrecking. Barcelona lost 0-1, after going into penalty. But in all the sports events I have seen, this is the only time that I can honestly say they lost with great dignity. I then looked forward to enjoying the Processions in Salamanca, and observing the way they celebrate Holly Week.
            I was able to see several Processions, which were all spectacular. I saw one by the Roman Bridge, which didn’t make it across because of the rain. The following morning, I woke up and saw a Procession, which were beautiful. They had one of Christ carrying the cross, Christ on the cross, and Virgin Mary wearing a beautiful green dress. She was absolutely stunning. Since it was 5am, I followed them towards the Plaza Mayor, and on my way, they stopped in front of these nuns, and they threw flowers, and sang to the Virgin Mary. The following day, I got to see one at midnight, which was the Virgin we got to see at the new Cathederal during the Life and Culture class. This morning I  went to the Plaza Mayor to see Christ and Mary reunited. The Processions have been amazing, which was nice to spend Easter in such a beautiful city, and in away that I don’t celebrate Easter back at home.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Road Trip

This was the most relaxing weekend I have had so far in Spain. I took a road trip to the Basque country: Santander, Bilbao, and San Sebastian. The scenery was amazing, it was the most beautiful region I have ever seen so far. I've been intrigued by this part of Spain, especially their language. I had been doing some research about my long lost relatives in Spain, and I didn't find out a whole lot, but I did find out that my mother's surname comes from Santander, which I was exciting to spend some time in Santander. The beach was absolutely stunning. We then drove to Bilbao for a dance recital, which was incredible. There was three different dance performances, all of them different and unique. We didn't have a place to stay, so we drove around looking for a Hostel, which was a mission, but for the first time I wasn't stress, which my roomates can vouch for me that I can be a stress ball. But, somehow I wasn't I was just enjoying the moment.
  The next day we drove to San Sebastian. We arrived around noon, and we quickly found out that the city was having a festival. Every year within they walk around city to city, I forgot what radious, but the festival ends in San Sebastian, which is the celebration of their language. Everyone was out on the street having a good time, dancing, eating, drinking, celebrating the beauty, and uniqueness in the language. I was amazed how different from Spanish their language was. Well, we ended the day by walking along the beach, which I have to say it was the prettiest beaches I have ever seen in my life. This was a great way to bring to a close my time in Spain.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Going to Barcelona and watching FC Barcelona play live was the last thing I had on my to do list for Europe..Mission accomplish. Arriving in Barcelona on Friday in the afternoon felt amazing, it was nice and sunny. I kept forgetting that I was in Spain, since it seemed like a different world to me. The language, the scenery, the weather, and the buildings. The first night I got a chance to see La Sagrada Familia, which was absolutely breath taking, and sat my a near restaurant drinking sangria with La Sagrada Familia in front. The next day I got to see Park Guell, which was amazing. It was definitely like no other park I have ever visited before. I also got to see Las Ramblas, full of goodies, and odors, which was very interesting.

I came to Barcelona specifically on this weekend because there was a futbol game, Barcelona vs. Almeria, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see it live. Getting the tickets was a challenge, it took a lot of faith, and luck, but at the end I got in. The crowd was so involve with the game, I was amazed how enthusiastic they were. It was one of the most neatest experience I've had this trip, which will make a lot of my relatives, and friends extremely jealous. Barcelona won 3 to 1, and the crowd continued to celebrate. Seeing Barcelona play live was something I will never forget, the experience will stay with me forever.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Aprils Fools Day

The week was filled with interesting adventures. Since school is almost coming to an end, there are tons of text, and papers to be done. It seems the end of school means alot of brain work. This week I  had a test for art, and it was a real challenge, considering it was my first time studying Renaissance art. Some how I made it through, and was able to come to Venice for the weekend. This was my first time traveling by myself, so I did not know what to expect. I traveled light, but then I realized I should of brought a bigger bag, because now I cant fit nothing else in, so no souveniers, sorry guys.

So, as soon as I landed in Marco Polo, I was on my own. Trying to figure out how to get hear was a challenge. So I asked the information booth on what bus to take to get to the water taxis, ans she politely told me the blue bus. So I was like "OK, the blue bus", how hard can that be. Well, the blue bus, there were alot of blue busses, but somehow I figured it out. Then when I got to the last stop, which was the water taxis, I was ready to get to relax and enjoy the weekend, but I couldnt, not just yet because April 1, 2011 was the strike for the water taxis, so they were only operating for certain hours, and certain stops. So, I asked the ticket booth, and she pointed me in the direction I needed to go. As soon as I got to my stop, I had to walk 20minutes, and with no map, and by some miracle I got to my hostel, which was a joke. First time traveling by myself, the hostel was nothing it said it was when I booked it. I was expecting two other bunk beds, for two other females, lockers to stash our stuff, and wifi, nothing of that was there. I had my own room, with no lock, just a sliding door, and no locks. He said it was safe, well of course he is going to say that, plus he said his room was next door. No thank you, so I booked a room that had a lock, but all in all it all worked out. I had no set agenda, no set sights to see, just enjoy the weekend in Venice, and eat some gelato.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Flamenco and art

The flamenco performance was amazing. The singer had some lungs on her, and sang with such passion. I absolutely loved her dress, it was stunning. I had expected more of a dance, but I was informed that in different parts of Spain flamenco is different. But overall, the performance is something I will never forget. We then had a flamenco dance lesson on Friday morning, which I didn't know what to expect. I have two left feet, and the last thing I need is to attempt dancing with them. But, as soon as I got up to get our first lesson, I just went with it. I know I probably looked ridiculous, but I had fun. The instructors had given us a small performance, and the music, the dance, and costumes were absolutely stunning.

     My weekend ended with taking the bus to Toledo, and Madrid. On Saturday, I went to Toledo. The city was stunning. I was amazed how the city in one point in history had Arabs, Jews, and Christians living in the same city. Its shocking that these two different groups of people were able to live in the same city, which is something we can learn from. On Sunday I went to Madrid to the Prado Museum and Sofia Museum. I was excited to see Picasso's Guernica, and see Goya's painting The Third of May, and Saturn Devouring His Son. I was completely speechless when I saw these paintings. There is just so much art in beauty in Europe, that I have to pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming, or its all real. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Show me the way to the next Whisky Bar.....

Whoever said that dreams come true were absolutely right. I got to spend the weekend in Paris, and its everything that I imagined it to be and more. It was a mission trying to get to Paris. The bus ride to Madrid, the metro to the airport, and once we arrived to the airport a taxi to the metro, and a lot of walking. I got to go to the Louvre Museum and see some spectacular paintings. I got to see the Mona Lisa, which was amazing. I also got to see Delacroix paintings, and so many others that the names escapes my mind. I do have to admit that its a bit pricier than Salamanca. I was stunned when I paid 4.40 euros for a cafe con leche, but its Paris and I'm not complaining. The city is full of love, beauty, and life. 

      The best part of my trip is I got the opportunity to go pay my respects to Jim Morrison. I took Jim some roses, whisky, a pen, and a cigarette, and wrote on the whisky bottle. I signed my four bestest friends, Marie, Marisol, Lorenzo, Leonard, and my love's name, Jerry. I got there and I started to cry like a baby, so I drank some whisky to calm my nervous. Being there, next to Jim, was something I have never felt before, and I think I haven't been able to digest it yet. His grave was gated, so I jumped over to set his gifts in order, and I just stood there, whisky in one hand, and cigarette in the other. I wrote on the tree where so many have left a message behind to Jim. I wrote my friends names on it, along with our favorite songs, and a heart with my boyfriends name and mine with our favorite song, "Love Street". I still can't believe I'm writing about it, and I was there, me!! I didn't want to leave Jim, but I knew time was running out, so I went and paid my respects to Edith Phiaf, Oscar Wilde, and Delacroix. Paris is beautiful, and romantic, and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

School, Field Trips, and Brujeria!!!!!

It’s been an interesting week in Salamanca. School and my free time equaled out to an experience, and an adventure. I had two papers due, and plenty of time to do it, but since I had spent the weekend in Portugal my time was limited. Luckily I work better under pressure, and was able to finish my two papers on time. In my conversation class, we got a chance to watch a Spanish series called “Cuentame”, based on fictional characters that lived through Franco’s control. The show was a great series that I would recommend. It made me understand differences and similarities that their culture, and ours had. A difference was not having the freedom to speak freely of your government, and a similarity was birth control, it was a big no-no in the 60’s and wasn’t promoted as a method to protect yourself. Also, in the cultural class, we got a history lesson, which was the most I ever learned about their history. I found “Juana la Loca”, most interesting, and a bit romantic.
It was a weird feeling going to El Escorial, and Avila, knowing that Japan had an 8.9 earthquake; my heart goes out to all the people that were affected by this natural disaster. It was a dose of reality that I needed, to just shut up, stop complaining, and enjoy every day. The field trip was beautiful. I definitely will never forget the mausoleum with the kings, and queens, of Spain. It was absolutely stunning. I got the goose bumps when I saw the portrait of the king’s daughter, which names escape my mind, but her portrait was breathtaking. She looked exactly like a young lady I met in a vintage boutique store in Lisbon, I swear it was the same person, and I will never forget that face. The last stop was at the walls in Avila, which I couldn’t believe that I was walking along on this historical place. Walking through it was peaceful, and I am glad that the cold weather didn’t stop me from walking on top of the walls. My weekend came to an interesting end. I went to the Brujeria exhibit that they are having at the Palacio de Congreso, which was interesting, and there are no words to describe what I saw, but I’m glad I went to it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Educational week in school, with a incredible cultural lesson!!!!

The week in Salamanca has been very interesting. It started off with getting a card from the public library. My professor Estella took us there, and was generous to show us around. I was able to check out some poetry books, movies, and music, which is great because it’s free. I also got to enjoy the tapas tour, and got to learn something new about the culture. The food and wine was amazing I loved the tortillas that had potatoes, muy delicioso. I also got a chance to go to the museum of Salamanca, my art teacher gave her lecture at the museum, and it was spectacular.  I learned a lot from that trip, such as seeing the different color palettes that were used in a time period.  We also got to see the fresca painting, which was unbelievable. The image gave me a sense of peace, with the stars and the color of blue, white, gold, reds, brown, and a few others I can’t remember. But it was interesting to see the stars with the different astrological signs.
The weekend began at 7am on Friday, on a bus heading towards Portugual. It had hit me that it was going to be my first time in a country where I didn’t know the language, and communicating was going to be extremely challenging. But I figured that it would be a great learning experience, which turned out to be. I wasn’t intrigued by Portugual, since I hadn’t signed up from the very beginning. I was lucky enough to get the last spot, and now I’m super happy that I was able, because the country was so lovely. I am planning to be back again, the people, the food, the history, and language, was un like anything else I have ever encountered. The river in Lisboa was nice, since getting some fresh air made it more beautiful. I loved the castle by the river, and the amazing sunset that I had the opportunity to see. I experienced a language barrier for the first time in my life, but it was very sweet how the people were so patient, understanding, and had so much warmth, they made me feel extremely welcome.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

First week in Salamanca..good?bad? INSANE?

First week in Salamanca has been a total dream...They city is beautiful, the people are super nice, the food is yummers, even though Im a vegetarian and apparently jamon or chorizo isn't meat, and the best part an eight pack of beer for fifty cent walking everywhere makes it nice and washes away the guilt of all the food and drinks I have put down my mouth so far...I did stumble upon two separate groups of people that as soon as I told them I was Mexican and lived in America, a few of them laughed, whispered, and walked away. Eye opener that prejudice is everywhere, I expect that from back home, but I just thought that it wouldn't be here...Its everywhere I know, but I never had it in my face, especially laughed at. I might have it all wrong, and they may of not even notice me there, or even said anything. Maybe I interrupted their conversation and they continued on..who knows, all I can say is that I feel its a shame to walk on this beautiful planet, with such diversity in every corner, and have this mentality that you are better and there is no need to look around. On another note, I am incredibly happy to be here, and the people have made me realized that this is a well deserved trip. I have learned a tremendous amount in such a short time, that I can't wait to see what I will learn, or adventures that will come out of a ten week trip.... :)